Product type
Product type


  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition 
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive 
  • Outer Size
:  170mm x 102mm 
  • Active Area 
:  155mm x 87mm 
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

 Note : All tax and custom duty should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand
:  NTS 
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive 
  • Outer Size 
:  184mm x 126mm 
  • Active Area 
:  170mm x 105mm 
  • Connector
:  5 Pins

 Note : All tax and custom duty should be pay by buyer only.

New Touch Screen for B&R 4PP065.057-B00 HMI Operator Panel
  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type 
:  Resistive
  • Outer Size
:  140mm x 113mm
  • Active Area 
:  126mm x 95 mm
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note : Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive 
  • Outer Size
:  140mm x 113mm 
  • Active Area
:  126mm x 95mm 
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note : Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition 
:  New
  • Type 
:  Resistive 
  • Outer Size
:  137mm x 108mm 
  • Active Area 
:  119mm x 89mm 
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note : Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

Sold out
  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive 
  • Outer Size
:  133mm x 100mm
  • Active Area 
:  121mm x 93mm
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note : Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive 
  • Outer Size
:  328mm x 253mm
  • Active Area
:  310mm x 224mm
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note : Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive 
  • Outer Size 
:  108mm x 72.5mm 
  • Active Area 
:  101mm x 59mm
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note : Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition 
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive 
  • Outer Size 
:  163mm x 99mm 
  • Active Area 
:  156mm x 89mm 
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note : Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive
  • Outer Size
:  239mm x 147mm
  • Active Area 
:  226mm x 129
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note : Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive 
  • Outer Size 
:  196mm x 138.5mm
  • Active Area 
:  182mm x 124.5mm
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note : Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive 
  • Outer Size
:  253mm x 173mm
  • Active Area 
:  241.5mm x 165mm 
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note : Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive
  • Outer Size 
:  108mm x 69mm 
  • Active Area 
:  100mm x 63mm 
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note : Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

Sold out
  • Brand 
  • Condition 
  • Type 
  • Outer Size
106mm x 64mm
  • Active Size
100mm x 58mm 
  • Connector
4 Pins

Note :- Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition 
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive
  • Outer Size
:  104mm x 64
  • Active Area
:  100mm x 58mm 
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note :- Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive 
  • Outer Size
:  165mm x 100mm
  • Active Area 
:  157mm x 89mm 
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note :- Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
: New
  • Type
:  Resistive 
  • Outer Size
:  195mm x 100mm
  • Active Area 
:  157mm x 89mm
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note :- Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive 
  • Outer Size
:  165mm x 100mm
  • Active Area 
:  157mm x 89mm
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note :- Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive
  • Outer Size
:  164mm x 103mm 
  • Active Area
:  155mm x 99mm 
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note :- Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

  • Brand 
:  NTS
  • Condition
:  New
  • Type
:  Resistive
  • Outer Size 
:  163mm x 103mm 
  • Active 
:  155mm x 99mm 
  • Connector
:  4 Pins

Note :- Custom duty and local tax should be pay by buyer only.

Showing 221 - 240 of 424 items